Green Guidance Policy Review: Policies for a Green Transition
This paper explores the current international landscape for environmental and sustainability policies. It finds a strong consensus exists around the need to address climate change, with many countries utilising the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to do this. Key arenas for action are labour market policy and education policy which creates an important context for green guidance. Currently, there is relatively little specific policy which addresses the role of career guidance in the green transition. Despite the policy busyness discussed in this report, it is also clear that current policy initiatives are insufficient to meet the primary policy aims of limiting the impacts of climate change and stopping environmental destruction. This policy failure also provides an important context for the development of green guidance. The implications of this policy environment are discussed with reference to their implications for career guidance and a series of recommendations are set out.
Cite this publication as follows.
Hooley, T., Bakke, I.B., Casanova, M.L., Kavková, E., Košťálová, H., Ostroha, L., Šprlák, T. & Wrzosek, M. (2024). Policies for a green transition: Exploring contemporary environmental and sustainability policies for green guidance. Exploring Green Guidance.