Exploring Green Guidance: Insights from a Global Survey

Green guidance has become a buzzword in career guidance in recent years. Everyone is talking about it, yet there is not a common understanding of what exactly green guidance means. That was why in 2023 organisations from 5 countries (Slovakia, Czechia, Poland, Norway, and Portugal) started an Erasmus+ project focused on green guidance. In mid-2024, the project achieved a major milestone in delivering its first output: a comprehensive global survey on green guidance.

The report shares the results of a survey conducted among 674 career guidance professionals from 29 countries between late 2023 and early 2024. The goal was to understand how these professionals view and practice green guidance, which integrates sustainability into career guidance.

Who Took Part?

Participants came from various fields including education, public employment services, and private practice. The survey aimed to gather insights that could help develop better theories and models for green guidance.

What Do Clients Want Help With?

Practitioners said their clients mostly needed help with finding decent work (58%), education (34%), living and working sustainably (28%). Fewer clients asked for guidance on: climate change (8%), environmental preservation (5%), Pollution (1%).

Additionally, about 22% of clients discussed climate issues in career talks, 28% looked for eco-friendly jobs, and 41% wanted to live more sustainably.

What Do Practitioners Think About Climate Change?

Most practitioners strongly believe that climate change is real and urgent. On a scale from -15 to +15, where higher scores indicate a stronger belief in the importance of climate change, the average score was +10.41. They see national governments, international organizations, individuals (mainly as consumers), and companies as key players in tackling climate change. Most practitioners consider that career development should help people to meet their current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

How Common is Green Guidance?

Green guidance is still emerging. 33% of practitioners are currently practicing it, and 61% are familiar with the term. However, 85% find the idea appealing, and 76% believe career guidance should help people live sustainably.

What Challenges Do Practitioners Face?

The main challenges include a lack of clear theories, models, and resources for green guidance. Practitioners need more support and tools specific to their national and sector contexts to effectively integrate green guidance into their work.

Recommendations for Moving Forward

To develop green guidance practice, the report recommends:

  1. Develop Clear Models: Create strong theoretical frameworks for green guidance.
  2. Provide Resources: Offer tailored tools and materials for practitioners.
  3. Offer Training: Provide training programs to help practitioners deliver green guidance effectively.
  4. Advocate for Policy Change: Encourage policies that incorporate sustainability into career guidance.

This report was produced within the Erasmus+ project Exploring Green Guidance (2023-1-SK01-KA220-VET-000158513) which aims to develop the concept of green guidance and explore its practical implications. For more information and insights, download the full report here.