Association for Career Guidance and Career Development

Združenie pre kariérové poradenstvo a rozvoj kariéry (Association for Career Guidance and Career Development), ZKPRK, is a Civic Association, non-profit organisation established in November 2014.
The Association is open both to individuals and organisations working in the area of career guidance and/or career development and has an ambition to be respected partner for relevant ministries and public administration in the country in all areas and aspects of career guidance, counselling and career development, including provided services, and their professional staff.
The ZKPRK has four main objectives:
– To associate and network professionals working in the field of career guidance and career development, and support cooperation and exchange of information and good practices nationally and internationally;
– To support training and professional development of all working in the field of career guidance and career development;
– To raise awareness about career guidance and career development and support improving access to career guidance and career counselling services of all citizens of any age and at any point throughout their lives;
– To promote interests of career guidance and career development.
The Association is developing its activities mainly in the area of education and training, work, business/human resources, and research focusing on career guidance and counselling and related topics.
The ZKPRK has currently more than 100 individual and institutional members working in various sectors (mostly in VET and general education & training, and employment), with various target or age groups of clients, in public and private services, practitioners and academicians. The Associations is from the very beginning closely cooperating with Euroguidance centre Slovakia, employers, national PES, Ministry of Education and collaborates on developing and implementing ligelong guidance policies. It also manages national quality assurance framework for carreer guidance providers, delivers trainings and workshops in the field.